Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Snoop Dogg Charged With Drug Possession!

  Really! Charged with drug possession! Its not like any body is in shock that Snoop smokes marijuana but yes in Texas which has zero tolerance for drugs. Charged Snoop Dogg for having drugs in his tour bus. He was arrested at Sierra Blanca highway checkpoint. Apparently at the check point the sheriff smelled  marijuana so they asked everyone to get off the bus so the dog can do the inspection. Well the dog found a prescription bottle inside it was marijuana cigarettes in the trashcan and two more marijuana was found in a container all together was 0.13 pound of marijuana. According to Snoop he does have licence to use medical marijuana in his state of California because he suffers migraines and blurr vision.
County Judge Becky Dean Walker says paraphernalia citations are typically handled by justices of the peace in the county and that they are resolved by a no contest plea and a mailed-in fine of up to $500.

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