Monday, December 5, 2011

Selena Gomez Is She Really Pregnant?

 2011 American Music Awards - Arrivals

Selena Gomez pregnant! The answer is no! According to Selena she is not pregnant even though when Selena appeared at the Tonight! Show ended up at the hospital after the show because she was feeling queasy, headache, and dizzy Selena denies she is pregnant. I don't know when I found out I was pregnant I had all those symptoms. We will see in the spring.
Selena did revealed that her mother is pregnant and that she feels like the happiest girl in the world that her mom is carrying her baby brother or sister.
The announcement of Justin Bieber maybe the father of Mariah Yeater's son is a different story but the 20 year old California woman did drop the charges so it would be settled out of court. Justin Bieber will summit a DNA test but if and when revealed he is not the father Mariah might face charges for defamation but if Justin is the father Mariah will face charges of statutory rape, since Justin at that time was 16 and she was 19 and the age of consent in California is 18.


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