Monday, December 5, 2011

Dr. Conrad Murray Filed An Appeal On the Manslaughter Conviction!

Conrad Murray filed an appealed for the manslaughter conviction and is going to represent himself instead of using a lawyer.
Conrad Murray was sentence 4year in prison but Murray will not go to prison because of the new California law he will serve his time in L.A. County Jail. Most likely he would only serve half the sentence. For him to try to file an appeal  is just ...........! He is lucky he is not serving 25 to life in prison for what he did!
The judge did ordered  Conrad Murry to pay restitution to the Estate and to Micheal Jackson's kids at a later date. According to the prosecution they are requesting $100 million and $1.8 million for the funeral.  Judge Pastor did ruled the Conrad Murray must pay a fine and the court cost which totals $870.

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