Friday, June 10, 2011

Sean Kingston is Expected to Make a Full Recovery, But is He of the Hook!!

Sean Kingston 0603_manatee_ex

After being involved in a jet ski accident with passenger 23yr old Cassandra Sanchez on May 29, 21 year old Sean Kingston is expected to make a full recovery. Sean Kingston suffered a broken jaw, a fractured wrist, and water in the lungs. Even though Kingston remains in the hospital according to a close source told CNN he will heal in six weeks.

Sean Kingston is not in the clear yet after crashing a high speed jet into Miami bridge according to the law enforcement source told TMZ the singer faces legal repercussion for disturbing the local manatees.
That area is a manatee zone and according to Florida state law, boats and watercraft are prohibited from producing a wake in a manatee populated area. But the law enforcement is still investigating to figure out exactly happen prior to the crash. If Kingston is found in violating the manatee law he faces a maximum fine of $32,500.

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