Friday, February 17, 2012


  The 34year old R&B singer and song writer Robin Thicke was arrested this afternoon in NYC. Robin Thicke son of actor Allen Thick of "Growing Pain" and singer Gloria Loring was arrested for possession of pot.   The police spotted Robin in a Cadillac Escalade,  smoking a joint. Even though he was't driving the SUV, there was another person there, Robin was the only one arrested, and the police recovered a small amount of marijuana.
 I will not understand why? Robin! You couldn't go home and smoke that! Did you really had to smoke it in broad daylight, the city that never sleeps, that's always busy, and you expected not to get caught! Wow! I'm not condoling what he did was OK, but do it in your house, you have lots of young people that admire you and look up to you.

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